पुष्प का मन

अवधेश झा पुष्प सुगंधित मन में,प्रिय खुसबू है आधार ।हृदय तरंगनी नव बसंत की,अभिलाषा तुम उसपार ।। दर्शन- सृजन प्रकृति की,नव नव आनंद का शृंगार ।तुम में भी वही हृदय छुपा,जिससे होता भाव विस्तार ।।

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Most of Spiritual Guru talk on brahma alternatively turn to be a beggar: Justice Rajendra Prasad

Patna, Yoga & Spirituality: Brahma itself defines the entire universe! In the special series of spiritual awakening the Editor in Chief of Hind Chakra talked to Justice Rajendra Prasad said that God is everywhere, not just in temples and one’s faith should come from within. Our pure holy religion is practiced in different ways and […]

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