SK Associates & Group organized International Conference on, “How to build Your Dream Team for your Startup”; See the expert views


Hyderabad: 20 December 2022 :: SK Associates & Group had organized an International Conference on, “How to build your Dream Team for your Startup” from December 15- 17. The Conference was hosted online & streamed LIVE on their YouTube channel from 7- 8:30 PM IST on all 3 days. The Top 16 eminent and noteworthy Entrepreneurs and HR Professionals from different industries, sectors and with diverse experiences across the globe were invited to speak at the event.

SK A & G is an ISO certified management consulting firm registered under MSMED Act 2006 with the Government of India. We are a strong team of 6,000+ Professionals from various backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates, Professors, Mediators, Arbitrators, Formal Bureaucrats & Judges & Entrepreneurs turned Consultants. We aim to strengthen the global economic growth by providing pro- bono consulting services to budding student entrepreneurs and help them build their startups across various industries. All the Guest Speakers were awarded with a Certificate of Honour and the Attendees were given Participation Certificates.

The Synopsis of the speeches given by the Guests is stated as follows:

“Talent Acquisition has become an important part of every organisation especially in startups. From selecting Co-Founders to hiring your Founding Teams, Talent Acquisition plays an important role in all the long run depending on the kind of people you choose for your Startup. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Dhruti Nicholas
HR Manager
Inkey IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

“Team Building is an important aspect of scaling up your startup. Human Resources play a vital role in the growth of any company since manpower is the fuel to running organisations smoothly. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Ranjit Singh Panwar
HR Manager
Sayaji Hotels Ltd

“We are in an era where there’s a lot of competition between organisation for offering maximum perks to their Teams for increasing retention rates. Founders need to form their Teams after proper evaluation and assessment. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for Conference 1.6.”

Arpita Sen Sarma
Global HR Director

“Entrepreneurs must be careful while forming Founding Teams for their startups. They must choose their Teams carefully after a careful evaluation of skillsets and relevant details which impact operations in the longer run. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Sai Karthik Shankaranarayanan
Global Talent Acquisition Lead

“Dream Teams must be based on talents and skills, and also given enough perks in shareholding and related stakes to ensure long term retention. Entrepreneurs must be careful on making their Teams feel homely to ensure retention and proper formation of Teams. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Salini Penaka
HR and Compensation Specialist
Tata Consultancy Services

“Human Resources Planning has always been an essential part of organisational growth and development. Founders must always be careful on hiring the best talent for their startups for the overall growth and success of their ventures. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Kiran Kharkwal
HR Manager
Rekart Innovations Pvt Ltd

“Hiring the best talents isn’t enough, there must be a lot of operations and activities to engage all the Teams. Entrepreneurs must ensure that their Teams are satisfied with all the perks being offered to them in order to ensure retention rates and satisfaction rates. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

SA Saravanabavanandan
Vice-President (HR)
Repatt Solutions

“Entrepreneurs must ensure their Teams are well paid to keep them happy and give them a secure feeling. At the same time, a focus on increasing brand value and brand value via marketing shall also encourage more people to work with Startups. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Nilesh Kataria
Founder & CEO
Speak to Uplift

“Entrepreneurs must struggle to create proper Teams for their startups growth in the upcoming future. They must focus on hiring and retaining the best talents from personal and professional circles both. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Shikha Gupta
Senior Director (T.A.)

“Founders must issue various training to their Teams for increasing satisfaction rates. Multiple people have begin switching to startups from MNCs to prioritise learning over compensation. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Kunjal Dhakan
HR Operations Manager
Royal Staffing Services LLP

“Human Resources is an important aspect of scaling start-ups. If you have a good Team with all required abilities and skills, training them regularly is the only thing you’ve to focus on. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Rahul Jain
Head HR
Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd

“Founders must always maintain formal documents while hiring and appointing teams for any roles, irrespective of any personal or professional ties. They must be decisive enough to terminate Members whenever the need arises based on outputs and engagement. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Dr Pratima Jagadeesh
Founder Director
Life Coach Careers Academy

“Skilled and enthusiastic people are the ones who contribute the most to any organization in the long run. Thus, Entrepreneurs must focus on hiring such talents in their Startups to build the best organizations. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Dr Neerraaj Kumar
General Manager (HR)
Paras Healthcare

“Employees stock options must be distributed to the best employees to increase their interests in the organisational objectives and performance. Founding Teams must be trained and upskilled regularly for professional development and growth. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Leona Kezia
TNQ Technologies

“Communication with the right Teams at regular intervals and treating them well is important to make them feel good and homely. Recruiting the best teams and retaining them is the most important role for any Founder. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Selva Kumar R
HR Manager
Laursen & Tourbo

“Human Resources has changed considerably over the last decade especially in case of Generation Z. Employees and members have more expectations from companies in terms of learning, development, growth and compensation. I would like to thank the CEO and Team for inviting me to Conference 1.6.”

Rampriya Sridharan
Associate Director (T.A.)
Ramco Systems

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