Two- day Symposium on 6G Mobile Communication at IIT, Patna


Patna: 9 December 2022 :: The two- day Symposium on 6G Mobile Communication started at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna on 9th December 2022. In this program, around 150 students and professors from prestigious institutions (NTU Singapore, IITs, NITs, IIITs) from India and abroad participated. The program was jointly inaugurated by Prof. Ajit Chaturvedi (Former Director, IIT Roorkee), Dr. P. Hanumantha Rao (Director General, SAMEER, Government of India), Prof. T.N. Singh (Director IIT Patna) and Shri S. K. Mall (Principal Secretary, Information Technology Department, Government of Bihar) by lighting the lamp.

The co- ordinator of this program Prof. Pritam Kumar told in his address that the main objective of this symposium is to understand the format, standard and requirements of different use-cases of 6G. Further, the scientific difficulties related to 6G technology and possible solutions are to be discussed in this symposium.

The chief guest of the program Prof. Chaturvedi described the journey from 1G to 6G in India and suggested to explore science, technology and engineering to create new products. This eco- system will provide a new direction to economy, business and start-ups, and India will also be recognized at the global level. In his talk, further he has added that Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) have emerged as an energy-efficient and a cost-effective technology to support the services and demands in the future. By using a large number of lowcost passive reflecting elements they can create a favourable channel between the transmitter and the receiver.

Explaining the detailed information about the research work being done in India in the direction of 5G and 6G, Dr. P. Hanumantrao said that the user will experience negligible latency in data transmission and at the same time a large amount of data will be generated from different sources in 6G. His talk was focussed on 5G developments (India specific) and way forward towards 6G solutions and the technology challenges in the implementation of 6G. He assured to sign an MoU between IIT Patna and SAMEER for joint research work, which will give a new direction to the research work in IIT Patna.

Addressing the program, Mr. Santosh Kumar Mall highlighted about the various works being done by the Bihar government in the field of information and technology. He envisioned that Bihar will definitely be the center of information technology in coming future. He suggested to use 6G technology to enhance the ease of living of unpreviliged class of the society.

Professor T.N. Singh, Director, IIT Patna, informed about the research work being done in the institute related to 6G wireless networking. The representatives of the Department of Telecom, Government of India were led by Shri Abdul Qayoom (DDG, 6G Division) in the event.

At the end of the first day of the Symposium, Dr. Amit Kumar Singh from Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Patna proposed the vote of thanks. Many professors, research students and staffs of the institute were present on this occasion.

In the first day of the program, important topics related to 6G like Intelligent Reflecting Surface, Radar and Antenna Technology, Positioning/Localization and the future technologies required for component development (active/ passive) were discussed.

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