Patna: 15. 09. 2022 :: A Faculty Development Program was organized by IIT Patna from 5th-11th September, 2022 on the topic “Deep Learning for Healthcare Management” under the aegis of AICTE- ATAL. AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) was established to conduct training programs in various emerging areas across the country. Dr Mahesh H Kolekar, Associate Professor, EE Dept is the coordinator of the FDP. Dr Meghna Dutta, HSS Dept, is Co- coordinator of the FDP. The first week of the program was held in online mode and the second week in offline mode. The speakers in the first week included Dr. Rajesh Baranwal from CSIR- CMERI Durgapur, Prof Sumantra Dutta Roy from IIT Delhi, Dr. Shalini Jaggi from Lifecare Diabetes Center, New Delhi, Dr. Kamlesh Jha from AIIMS Patna and Dr Mahesh Kolekar from IIT Patna. The speakers talked about the need of and recent development in using AI and especially, deep learning methods in health care management.
The inauguration for the next one week of offline mode of the programme was held in IIT Patna on Sept 12, 2022. The chief guest for the programme was Dr. Sushil Chandra from Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, DRDO. Dr. Chandra highlighted the importance of Brain Intelligence and Cognitive neuroscience in developing human performance. The Director of IIT Patna, Prof. Trilok Nath Singh emphasized that COVID- 19 has put us in a situation where it is important to develop more and more technologies that will help the world to identify and treat people effectively. Deep Learning methods can fulfill the existing gap in healthcare technologies and it is very important that our faculty members are kept abreast and engaged with all such technical developments. This FDP, he said, was one of a kind and extremely relevant in the current scenario. The Dean (Academics), Prof. A.K. Thakur said that faculty development programmes should be a continuous process. Only as teachers learn new things can they keep their students updated. This is even more relevant in areas of healthcare. The participants visited the Incubation Center at IIT Patna and AIIMS Patna as a part of their field visit and immersion into the course. The visits helped them to understand and assess the real- life gaps in technologies and then to help them develop and incubate new technologies the Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) and Medical Electronics. The second week had speakers as the Dr. Aditya Kumar Sinha; Director of Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Patna on Sept 14, 2022. He talked about the development of supercomputers to assist deep learning in the area of healthcare. He presented the new developments in technology that can improve quality of healthcare, reduce medical errors, reduce healthcare costs, increase administrative efficiency, and expand access to affordable healthcare.