Punjab: 23rd January 2021:: The first meeting of the Governing Body of Kurash Association of Punjab held on 23rd January 2021 under the leadership of Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi, Managing Trustee, Sarbat Da Bhala Charitable Trust (Regd.) and President, Kurash Association of Punjab (Regd.) at his office in Patiala. Mr. Surjit Singh Walia, General Secretary, introduced all the members of the association, discussed about Kurash Game and aims & objectives of the association. During the meeting, Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi also talked about how to encourage students and youth to stay healthy & fit by engaging in this game. The registration processes of various District Associations of Punjab were also discussed. Dr. Arjun, joint
Secretary, threw light on the agendas of meeting. Shri Jassa Singh Sandhu, Vice President, and Mr.
Rakesh Kumar, Deputy General Secretary shared their views saying that parents can inculcate love for physical activities and help their kids remain fit along with learning a self-defense game like Kurash which is of utmost importance these days. Gurpreet Ahuja, Competition Secretary; Rajni Thakur, Technical Secretary; Anand Mehra, Technical Secretary and Pawan Kumar, Advisor was also present during the meeting.