Twitter Hashtag analytics!


In Todays’ era, it’s hard to imagine Twitter without hashtags. No doubt it helps to spread our content, reach brand new audiences and also helps in measure the performance of marketing campaigns.

By- Lovely singh

Patna : Hashtags on Twitter help improve the reach of our posts and deliver our message to users with specific interests.But to enjoy all the perks of hashtags on Twitter, we need to track and analyse hashtag. The most important question that comes in every person’s mind is that ..What Is the Purpose of Using a # Hashtag??????
Well, By tracking or analysing our hashtag on twitter , We get to know that how Twitter hashtag tracking and analytics could be useful in knowing in the form the following questions ..we can evaluate by it’s own. They are…

1.what is the social media reach of our hashtags.
2. currently how our hashtag marketing campaign is performing.
3.  How our hashtag’s is spreading across Twitter.
4.  who is the most influential Twitter user applying your hashtag to their tweets.
5.what is the engagement rate around our hashtags.

But the most essential part of tracking and analysing our hashtag on twitter should be linked with our twitter marketing strategies ,without which there is no meaning of doing analysis on hashtag-reach. since our Twitter marketing strategy generate a new leads,Hashtags on twitter platform helps us in improving our reach among users interested in specific topics and we can get easily our message to new audiences.
By analysing Hashtags performance on Twitter we can improve influencers outreach build and improve brand awareness,analyse brand sentiment,collect general information about our audience.
Using hashtags allows users to follow content they are most interested in be it tweets from a concert, theme, sporting event or anything else.
Since every day more and more content has been produced  so it’s hard to spot the topics that our audience might find interesting. So In that case these  hashtags plays a power tools to filter the material and see the things our audience want to interact with.

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